Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14, 2013 Our Heart & Soul: The Value - Be a Missional Church

Good morning! I am Tim Roberts the pastor here at Sunrise Church and let me take the time to welcome you and thank you for being here to worship Jesus Christ with us this morning. While I am sure that there were plenty of other things that you could have been doing this morning, you chose to be here and I pray that you receive a blessing from God.

Over the last several weeks, we have been taking this time as an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Mission and Vision that God has implanted into our collective hearts here at Sunrise. Last week, we finished looking at the all the elements of our Vision Statement, which you can find hanging on the wall in the Commons Area. This morning, we begin looking at those things that we hold dear as the unique characteristics of Sunrise Church, our Values.

Now as is common with us, let me ask you, What is a Value? One definition that I came across stated it this way

A principle or quality intrinsically desirable as a means or as an end in itself.

Last year, as we began to prayerfully think through these, we came to understand that our Values are our non-negotiables - those principles or qualities that are unique for us here at Sunrise and without them, we would not be who we are.

It should come as no surprise that our first Value is akin to one of the main emphases of our Vision  - Be Missional. With that, I invite you to look at and read with me our first Value:

We are Committed to be a Missional Church - utilizing our time, money, and energy.


As you may recall, last week, I indicated that last week's sermon and this weeks are almost like a two-part message. So, let's take a moment to bring us back up to speed as we recap what it means to be missional.

- Missionary Nature of God - God is one who sends (for us this morning, we are witnessing that as we celebrate God sending thirty-four of our youth and adults to New Jersey to help with the clean-up and recovery efforts from Hurricane Sandy).
- Incarnational Ministry Today - embodiment of Jesus for the world today
- Actively Participate in Mission of God - be the instrument that God uses to reach people with the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

While the term "missional" is one that has only been around for about thirty years and has been popularized in the last fifteen or so, the concept of being missional has been around for thousands of years. As I stated earlier, God's nature is about sending people to meet the needs of their neighbors and bringing them to a place where they can experience the transforming grace of Jesus.

I believe a prime example of this is found in Mark's gospel. Let's take a look at it in the first four verses of the second chapter.

Mark 2.1-3 (CEB)
1 After a few days, Jesus went back to Capernaum, and people heard that he was at home. 2 So many gathered that there was no longer space, not even near the door. Jesus was speaking the word to them. 3 Some people arrived, and four of them were bringing to him a man who was paralyzed.

Jesus was well known at the time. Though this event occurred relatively early on during Jesus public ministry, we know just from the first chapter of Mark, he was known to be a great prophet (one who spoke for God), an exorcist (as he cast out demons, and a healer (as he healed many persons). Even if people did not really believe that he was a holy man with supernatural powers, they came from around to see the speckle of his actions. This we can see from our reading today. But evidently, there were some who believed in the power that Jesus possessed too, because we read that four of them came carrying a man who was paralyzed to see him. But the crowd was too great and they could not get to Jesus, at least in any conventional manner.

Mark 2.4 (CEB)
4 They couldn't carry him through the crowd, so they tore off part of the roof above where Jesus was. When they had made an opening, they lowered the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.

You know, I am still struck with the audacity of these four men every time I read this story. They did not let others get in their way of bringing their friend to Jesus. They did not let proper social protocol or even respect for other people's property stand in their way.

I know that some scholars tend to downplay the story a bit by saying that roofs of the time were constructed in such a way that it is not the same as tearing a hole in a modern roof today. But to me, that does not alter the fact that they were willing to destroy sombody else's property to get access to Jesus for their friend in need.

It makes me take pause and wonder, "To what lengths are we willing to go to bring someone we know to a place where they can experience Jesus?"

I cannot imagine that we will ever need to tear through a roof and lower someone to be in Jesus' presence, but there are still barriers that we sometimes to encounter, that seek to prevent us from doing so.

Let's take just a few moments and talk with those people right around you about:

What are some of the real and implied barriers we face today in bringing others to Jesus?

There are some real barriers to our efforts and there are some perceived barriers. Either way, they stand to try to prevent us from doing what we know in our heart we should do.

Several years ago, Robin Williams starred in a movie where he was a medical student. He let his heart lead him too many times and found himself expressly forbidden from interacting with patients. For our context this morning, we can understand it as he had a formidable barrier placed before him.

(Video Clip from Patch Adams)

Going against conventional wisdom, Patch saw a need and responded - which is exactly what a missional church is called to do.

Almost a year ago, Sunrise embarked on a spiritual reorientation which we called God Into Focus, where we prayed and discerned how we are called to do more than just good things - we are called to do God Things.

During our time together in God Into Focus - we prayerfully identified several things.

First, we began to identify - The Needs of the Community. We talked with our neighbors, civic leaders, schools, local agencies and did a thorough demographic study. We did all of this so that we could sense the pulse of the community in which God has placed us.

Next, we identified - Our Mission, of which we reconfirmed it to be Sharing to Love of Jesus so All Become His Followers.

Next, we were led to discover - Our Vision, that is how we see ourselves living out our faith. That is what we covered over the last five weeks.

Next, we spent time grasping - Our Values. Of course you know that is what we are beginning to look at more closely today - our non-negotiables, those principles that make Sunrise who we are.

But we did not stop there. We took the final step in this equation here and began to see where all of these things intersected. This is where we discovered -

The Synergy. This is where we are able to find our knack or niche for making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. This is sort of a take on a verse found later in Marks gospel (Mark 10.9) "What God joins together..."

We have already begun living into this synergy over the last few months and have seen God at work in us. But a couple of months ago, God opened up my eyes and then the eyes of our Church Leadership Council to a new and exciting venture for Sunrise.

How many of you were here ten years ago? Those who were remember that Sunrise started a ministry for special needs persons called No Limits II.

No Limits II, started as a dance for these folk right here in this Worship Center. You may recall this is why we have this superstructure in here and you may remember there used to be a mirrored disco ball suspended from it with lasers bouncing off of it. The ministry quickly outgrew our space here and it moved to Pinedale Christian Church (which it has outgrown as well). That is phenomenal! We have in our DNA something unique that has now affected thousands of lives in our community and throughout the greater Winston-Salem region.

Okay, now fast forward several years with me. Before I became your pastor here in 2010, I began working on my doctorate. As a result, I have here this book entitled, Creating New Life: Forming New Faith Communities Within Existing Congregational Settings Utilizing Personal Traits and Experiences, and it was written by...well, by me. Anyway, I have often wondered, how in the heck will I ever use this new knowledge?

Then just a couple of months ago, I talked with Jayne Koeslin about ministry and her passion for working with people with special needs. When we finished our conversation, she left feeling like she had a goal and I was happy for having to be of help. Then, later that night, I began to have a nagging sensation that I was missing something. I could not sleep for a couple of nights. I had no idea what the problem was. Then early one morning, as seems to be customary for me, I bolted wide awake - it was like God finally slapped me with the obvious - this was our Synergy - Sunrise's history, Jayne's passion, my education, and the community's need! God is joining all of these together to reach a certain population in the greater Winston-Salem area of which for far too long has been woefully overlooked.

So, brothers and sisters, in nine weeks, on Sunday, September 15th, we will be launching
another worship service that will be designed reach people with special needs and their families. It will be either late Sunday afternoons or Sunday evenings.

You see that the service will be known as Genesis Kardia (Gensis = Hebrew for Beginning and Kardia = Greek for Heart).

Now, some may be saying, why are we starting a third service when we still have plenty of room in our present two? Simply put, as we began to inquire how to create a service where persons with special needs will feel the most at home the response we overwhelmingly received back was the need for a new worship service. There are more details than I have time to spell out this morning, but I will be sending out a letter to you in the near future explaining the details of this new service.

In the meantime, I ask you to join with me and the Church Leadership Council in prayer as we seek to serve God and God's people in this new and exciting way. As with any new venture, there will be some changes - some you may readily accept and with some you may struggle. But as is most of the time as we seek to serve God, we encounter barriers. The question we need to ponder is, will these barriers stop us or will they cause us to be even more tenacious in helping others experience the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.

I am excited about what God is joining together - you, me, the  Mission, the Vision, our Values, the Needs of the Community. God is with us!

Pray with me.

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