How many of you know who this man is and what did he do that was so significant?
Nobody? What if I threw in his name?
Peter Robinson. Still, no one?
Ok, let’s try someone more familiar, how about this man…
Ronald Reagan. Of course we’ve all heard of Ronald Reagan, known not only for being an actor but also for going on to become the 40th President of the United States and delivering memorable lines like this…
“Mr. Gorbachev… Tear down this wall.”
Those words had amazing power, didn’t they and not too long after he gave that speech, the Berlin wall did indeed come down. Many attribute that decades of hurt, separation and despair came crashing down into piles of rubble, because Reagan was a great leader, a persuasive orator, and a man who wanted best for all people. But let me tell you something you may not know. I asked you earlier if you had ever heard of Peter Robinson, and you said you hadn’t, but the truth is you have, you just didn’t know his name…Peter Robinson was Ronald Reagan’s speech writer, and he is the one who wrote those words, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
You see, when Peter Robinson found out he would be writing Reagan’s address to Germany, he decided to go to Berlin and visit. He was told before leaving that as he prepared to write the speech, he was to stay away from any mention of the cold war and he was not to mention the wall. White House officials said that the German people had gotten used to the wall; it didn’t present a problem for them, so there was no use to mention it. But when Robinson arrived in Germany and began to talk to the people there, he soon discovered this wasn’t the case at all. For most Berliners, the wall represented horrible times, desperate times when families were separated, when many lived in fear for their safety. They wanted the wall removed. So, Robinson went back to Washington and wrote his speech. Many at the White House protested and demanded that he take that famous bid out of the speech. But Robinson refused. They demanded further and took their protest to President Reagan. Thankfully, Reagan understood he had a purpose in this speech…that he wanted to speak to the whole of Germany in his address, not just the West, but the East. Reagan understood the need for the wall to come down. So he overruled his staff and insisted that the speech go forward as Robinson wrote it.
Do you realize how close we came to missing out on one of the greatest moments in American history? Peter Robinson could have had his words edited from the speech, and yes, he could have gone out on his own and held a press conference and said the same words that had been cut out, he – Peter Robinson – could have asked Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the wall. But no one would have listened, because no one knew Peter Robinson. His words only worked because Regan, the right man for the moment, dared to utter them. The catalyst for tearing down of the Berlin wall took two men working together – one bold man on the front lines, willing to take some risk – and one determined man behind the scenes, willing to stand for what was right.
Two men, both willing to serve, albeit in two very different ways – but both serving so that a mission could be accomplished.
Even though this is a modern day example of how various types of service work together for the greater purpose – the principle behind it is as old as the bible itself. Look with me at
Acts 6:1-7
1 Now during those days, when the disciples were increasing in number, the Hellenists complained against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food. 2 And the twelve called together the whole community of the disciples and said, "It is not right that we should neglect the word of God in order to wait on tables. 3 Therefore, friends, select from among yourselves seven men of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this task, 4 while we, for our part, will devote ourselves to prayer and to serving the word." 5 What they said pleased the whole community, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, together with Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch. 6 They had these men stand before the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. 7 The word of God continued to spread; the number of the disciples increased greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith
But, suddenly they realized, the mission was going so good that they now had a church community on their hands – suddenly it wasn’t just as simple as teaching about Christ, now there were people who needed to be nurtured and fed, there were communities that needed tending to. They came to realize this when a complaint surfaced – a complaint about church to the pastor? Someone complaining to the pastor about the church?! Surely not, you say! The complaint is that the Greek speaking widows are not being cared for as readily as the Hebrew speaking widows. So the complaint to the disciples is, do something about it.
Now, they could have very easily fixed it and said, ok, we will try to be more careful – we will take more time to hand out the food ourselves, we will personally see to it that the widows get their food…we will just make sure we are in the office from the hours of noon-6 every evening so we can make sure that gets done.
But, thankfully, we had some very mission minded disciples and they quickly understood that if they made such a promise to personally address the problem and make sure the widows got fed, then that meant from noon-six, while they tended the office – they would not be out spreading the good news – which, remember, was the mission to which they had been called. Feeding the widows, while an important obligation of the church, was not the mission. So, they said, well, if we tend to this ourselves, it will take away from the mission and we can’t have that, for the mission is our sole purpose.
So, to meet the obligation to care for the widows, they called forward seven special servants from among the lay members of the church. Not just any men, but men of good standing, men of the Spirit, and of wisdom, and had a commonality with the widows (Hellenist themselves) – and they assigned to them the task of nurturing the church so that the disciples could continue to carry out the mission of making disciples for Jesus. In other words – they assigned some to serve behind the scenes as caregivers to the church community – and those called to serve on the front lines, going out and preaching and teaching and bringing the good news of Christ to a lost world, were free to keep doing that, without worrying about the church community being taken care of.
By now, some may ask, why is this Holy ConneXion of Service so important within the church? Because folks, it is the only way that the mission of the church can be fulfilled.
I have the opportunity to visit a lot of different churches. One of the things that I have found out is that there are three kinds of churches out there. Do you know what makes the difference? A willingness of the people to serve!
The first one is what I call The Zombie Church. (And no, this is not a term I coined because of Halloween). You know what a zombie is – it is a body that has the outward appearance of life, but inside, it’s just a corpse. This type of church is one that cares more about feeding their widows, tending to their needs, than spreading the good news about Christ. It is a church which has lost its mission and now only cares about itself. For example, let’s say the minister has received the complaint that the widows were not cared for and the minister says, well, let’s find someone else to care for them because I am busy fulfilling the mission to take Jesus to the sinners. In the Zombie Church, the people will respond, "No! Those sinners out there should be coming in here with us. Pastor, you don’t have time to go chase them down – you need to be out visiting and feeding and nurturing our own people – we are more important!" This type church may have a structure that resembles this:
In the Zombie Church, the mission of the church no longer exists because the people have decided they are most important, not spreading the good news. That church is doomed to a slow and painful death. Why, because the people only want to someone to serve them – they don’t want to serve God.
The second type of church is The Maintenance Church. This type is one in which there are a decent amount of volunteers to keep things going but none of them are willing to really be “responsible” for any of it. Let’s look at it thorough our Acts scenario lenses. The minister of the Maintenance Church might say, "Well, I am called to go out and take the gospel to the sinners, I don’t really have the time to nurture and take care of everyone in the church without giving up the mission." The people in the Maintenance Church might say, “Oh we understand Pastor, that’s why we’ve got some volunteers to come assist you, that will save some time so that you can still squeeze in some preaching and teaching and saving sinners.” This is type church is sometimes referred to as the Institutional Church and has a structure that mostly looks like this:
The Maintenance Church continues to function, but has minimal impact in the Kingdom of God, because everyone is simply volunteering to assist to meet the needs of the people and then hoping the pastor has enough time and energy left over to fulfill the mission. This church too is doomed to simply linger because while the people want to help, they don’t really want to serve if it means taking responsibility for anything. This is the category into which most churches fall.
The last type is the vibrant one – The Thriving Church. The Thriving Church is one in which there is a vibrant and lovingly nurtured community which is growing every day because every day there is a dedication to completing the mission of taking Christ to the lost sinners. If we take our biblical scenario to the Thriving Church, it goes like this… the minister is approached with the issue that the community is not being nurtured, the minister then says, "I understand that nurture is very important, who can we call to take care of that so that I can continue to serve the mission of reaching outside the church." So the leaders gets busy and they find people who are of good standing, who are spiritual and caring and wise in the ways of Jesus and they recommend them to serve in the nurture of the community. Those lay people rise up to serve and they take on the responsibility to nurture the community and the minister and the others who are called to go outside the church and witness to the lost can continue unhindered. The thriving church then has a structure like this:
They now are doing two good things:
1) they are meeting the obligation to nurture and love one another in the community and 2) they are fulfilling their mission to go and make disciples.
Friends, this is why we have stricken from the Sunrise vocabulary the word "Volunteer" and use the term "Servant" instead. Volunteer implies we have an option whether or not to serve. The life of a follower of Jesus does not allow that option - only how we will serve.
Over the last few weeks, a group has met, prayed, and discerned those we believe God is raising up as leaders. Their purpose will not be to do the ministries and mission of Sunrise, but rather, to organize and lead you, Servants of God in the various avenues of service. Just like it took Ronald Reagan and Peter Robinson working together to get the Berlin wall torn down – so it takes both types, leaders and servants to create a vibrant and Thriving Church.
So, the question before us is, into which category do you think Sunrise falls? I am very happy to report we are not a Zombie Church – we are far from it. So, that leaves us with either the Maintenance Church or the Thriving Church. That takes some thinking. On one hand, we are probably one of the most service-oriented United Methodist churches around. That shows we aren't really a Maintenance Church. But we need to also consider how many new people have been brought to Christ lately. Does it match up with the Thriving Church? So, we can conclude we still have some work to do, don’t we? When the Acts church figured out how to meet their obligations while still keeping their focus on mission, they continued to spread and the number of disciples increased greatly. That formula is still the one that the Spirit implants in the heart of all churches that seek to live fully into its calling. When we do, we are all of these Holy ConneXions become second nature to us.