Wednesday, May 25, 2011

2011-05-15 reACTS:Growth

Good morning Sunrise! I hope that you all have had a good week and have experienced God in some form.

You know, I have had a week that had this strange recurrence for several days. Have you ever had something like that? For the last week or so, I have on several occasions turned the radio or TV on to hear or see Olivia Newton-John in Grease, singing, Hopelessly Devoted. Now what’s really strange is that each time, it has picked up almost at the same spot!

Then, it got stuck in my head! I am glad that I never unintentionally sang it out in public. Or did I? Maybe that’s why people were looking at me strangely in Costco the other day.

Anyway, it got me to think about that key word in the song, “devoted.” It’s one of those words that we often use without really thinking about what we are saying. Even in our conversations about God.

This morning, we are looking at the third part of this series, reACTS, in which we are surveying the Book of Acts, its major themes, and how we, the modern day followers of Jesus are also called to react to God’s activities in our lives.

Let’s begin with thinking about this question,

“What are you devoted to?”

Take just a moment to share with those around you your response.

[Allow time for discussion]

[Ask for responses]

[Ask why they are devoted to this]

We offer our devotion to that which we value and adore.

One of the things that I value as a pastor is Church Growth. But I am not just speaking about numerical growth. I am just as concerned with the growth or maturing of those who profess to be followers of Jesus.

Our passage of scripture today speaks about the growth of the early church. Let’s take a look at it in Acts 2:42-47

Acts 2:42-47

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Now if you remember two weeks ago, I emphasized one verse, Acts 1:8, which says,

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

I emphasized it as being one of the key verses in the Book of Acts because it establishes itself as the mandate for the disciples. In other words, it can be seen as their command from Jesus or their authorization to act on his behalf.

Today’s passage reading also contains one of the key verses of the whole book of Acts, that being the first one we read:

Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

In other words, what the author, Luke, is demonstrating here is that these early church leaders and members here adopted a communal life.

Unfortunately, in today’s vernacular, the word commune has developed some negative connotations

- Commune – cult

- Communism – bad form of government

- Community – isolated homes clustered around each other.

These are not examples of what the Spirit is working for and towards with the church though.

Let’s take a deeper look at how God envisions the Church by looking at these facets that are giving here to us:

Teaching of the Apostles

This aspect was very crucial in the early stages of the church because it established the doctrine, that is what the followers should believe about Jesus and a commonality of thought.

Just like when something good comes about today, there are others who come along and copy the idea to try to cash in on the success.

As you followed the readings of the GPS this past week, you read the story yesterday about Simon the sorcerer yesterday who wanted to buy the power of the Spirit, for which he was quickly rebuked.

But, you know, in our modern times, we haven’t learned very well either. Because so many people do not take the time to engage in real study of the Bible, we have developed what I sometimes call, “Chistianity Lite,” in other words, we have been exposed to just enough Christian thought to be thoroughly inoculated from it.

Christianity Lite has no depth and no power behind it. It is all but worthless.

Now I know some say they don’t need to study the bible because God gave them the mind to think and rationalize. Friends, do we want our medical doctors not study? Do we want our tax agents to just go with their gut?

The same goes with our faith and beliefs. It can’t just be our reasoning.


Now, we come to this word, fellowship. For most of us here, we have heard this word for quite a while because it really is a “churchy” word. Other groups use it, but primarily it is one that is normally associated with the church. The question I pose this morning is, what does it mean?

In the Greek vernacular, which is the language the New Testament was written, the word that is used is:

Koinonia, which means “caring and sharing.”

This was an important principal for the early church as they were always under scrutiny, and sometimes, fatal attacks. The church needed a place where they could come together without fear of harassment and persecution. They needed a place, a group of like-minded people, where they could freely express their desire for Jesus and be supported when then experienced hardship.

While in the U.S., we may not be outwardly persecuted for our beliefs, we still need a similar support system. Outside of the confines of a community of faith, most of the world is all about power and control. People stab each other in the back to get a promotion or a raise or to be recognized. For the most part, the world promotes individualism and narcissistic attitudes – exactly opposite of what Jesus proclaims. IF left on our won, we gravitate towards the predominant belief system, which tends to tear down and destroy. But koinonia is about lifting up the holy, building up, not tearing down. This is still an attribute needed today.

Breaking Bread

Who wants to take a guess at what this means?

[Allow response]

Believe it or not, as I study the scripture, I have come to believe may not be a reference to what we call communion, but to a common meal. I believe that this is an extension of fellowship.

Think about it this way; what do friends do on a pretty consistent basis? They eat together. Sharing in a meal with someone else is a great way to establish a relationship with each other. How many of us went out to eat on their first date?

It could be argued that there is something holy about sharing a meal. It’s kind of hard to be mad at someone when your faces are covered with ketchup or barbeque sauce. It brings people together and starts creating that connection point. It promotes unity by focusing on hospitality and is symbolic of the social and spiritual solidarity.

I believe that is exactly why Jesus chose to use a meal to create that brotherhood with the first disciples. It is why we celebrate communion with a common meal.


Of course, this last facet is a crucial component, prayer. This is the part that continues to unite them with God, through the intercession of the Holy Spirit.

The value of prayer cannot be overemphasized. To not be engaged in deliberate and intentional prayer would be like having a team who never listens to their coach, a corporation that never heeds the commands of the CEO, children who never seek their parents approval or discipline.

But prayer also acts on the interpersonal level as well. Because the church is comprised of individuals who live different lives and have different time schedules, it unites and strengthens through time of separation. It reminds us that we are part of something greater than ourselves. We are members of a family, God’s family.

Thus, we learn from our predecessors. We see how they reacted to Jesus mandate to be his witnesses. We also see how they reacted to the Spirit’s prompting to unite them with an unbreakable bond.

From our study of Acts, we come away with the understanding that growth is the result of being faithful in our calling to follow Jesus. Growth involves our personal maturity as a follower and as we grow personally, the Spirit blesses others and the church grows numerically. Now, let us reACT.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

2011-05-08 reACTS: God's Spirit

***This is a draft of the message prepared for Sunrise UMC on May 8, 2011***

This morning, I have recruited four brave souls to help me out with a little exercise as we look at the second part in this series: reACTS.
(Four volunteers play a round or two of the Lightning Reaction Game – where one of them will get a electrical shock – no one knows who or when though)
ASK: What were some of their reactions?
- timid
- scared
In the church, we have this same timidity or uneasiness surrounding the Holy Spirit
Let’s start off this discussion by asking: Who is the Holy Spirit?
The answer to the question is a lot harder than we first think. Though we may have a answer that we can quickly throw out, when we probe a bit deeper, it turns out we struggle trying to find a decent response.
Don’t feel too bad if you find yourself in this situation. It’s not a new dilemma. Take for an instance one of the Doxologies that is often sung by many congregations,
(Focusing on the part that says, “Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit…”)
the songwriters seem to struggle with this notion.
Well, you may say that’s just because modern theologians have struggled with this idea. Maybe; but maybe not.
As we look back at one of the Apostle’s Creed, which has its origins dating back to the 5th century, seems to struggle with it.
(Focusing on the part that says, “I believe in the Holy Spirit…”)
Really, the only thing other that we can glean from the statement of faith is that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Other creeds were formulated to try to solidify one orthodox understanding of who the Holy Spirit is too.
I start off with this just to give you some sense that there is some ambiguity that shrouds this personification of God as Spirit. Also, I believe we have to have a better understanding of God’s Spirit if we can delve any further into surveying the Book of Acts. Why? Because God’s Spirit is the key character in the book. Any of the other characters could have been interchanged without disrupting the integrity of the book; but not the Spirit.
I. What the Spirit Does
Let’s then take a look at a few things that God’s Spirit is known for to help us start forming some type of an idea about who the Holy Spirit is.
A. Encourager - Cowardly to Courageous
One of the attributes of the Spirit is one of Encourager. I am beginning to believe this is probably the most understated, underrated, and underutilized traits of the Spirit.
Many people will say that Spirit is their Encourager, but what they are really meaning is Comforter (and these aren’t the same). In this capacity as Encourager, the Spirit empowers the followers to do things that alone, they are unable to do.
Look for an example, what happened at one point when the Spirit filled a group of believers in Acts 4
Acts 4:31 After this prayer, the building where they were meeting shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. And they preached God's message with boldness.
This strikes me as one of the problems we face in the Church today. Most people when asked to start witnessing, that is telling others about Jesus, they immediately say they can’t, because they would not know what to say. But if we look at this passage here, what we can read between the lines is simply this, “It’s not about you!” It’s about allowing the Spirit to use you to proclaim the Good News.
If this is true, then this means God’s Spirit is
an Equal Opportunity Enabler.
- Peter went from fisherman and denier to preacher and proclaimer
- So can you, if you allow God to use you.
A. Uniter - Untied to United
This part is rather ironic. Many times as people read the Bible, we get this idea that these people were much holier than us and that they never experienced the strife we sometimes endure in church. Not True!
Now, to give an example, I am going back to the Gospel of Luke, because remember, Luke and Acts were written by the same person, so it’s like the first volume in the story.
Luke 9:46 Then there was an argument among them as to which of them would be the greatest.
Can you imagine that? Some people vying for a better or more prestigious position? See, it’s not just a condition found only in modern times. But as we continue reading this saga…
Acts 4:32 All the believers were of one heart and mind, and they felt that what they owned was not their own; they shared everything they had.
Once being filled with the Spirit, they are of one heart and mind. Now, let me go on to say, the strife returns later in the story, but as you read you’ll note that the problems arise when personal ideologies start invading their hearts and minds again.
B. Grower - Growth without Gimmicks
Lastly, we can see that the Spirit is a natural Grower. When the Spirit is present, people are naturally drawn in. Keep this in mind and see if what I am saying is right as you go through your daily readings.
The early church did not rely on gimmicks or programs to draw people in. There is not any mention of sporting events, ice cream socials,… you name it…just the authentic presence of the real God.
Acts 2:46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.
B. Why do we find it hard to believe in the Spirit’s work?
So then, what’s the problem? Why is the church today having difficulty with the Holy Spirit?
I believe it comes down to this:
a. We are Pneumophobic –scared of the Spirit. (Pneuma = air aka Spirit).
We have a hard time with things we cannot control. So rather than giving in and accepting our submissive state, we tend to dismiss or ignore.
b. It also stems from our understanding of grace or lack thereof. Grace is another concept that we struggle with. I mean, how is it possible that there is a God that loves us so much that He is willing to overlook our sins so that we will never be separated from Him? It doesn’t make sense. So, we develop our own personal theologies that make us believe in spiritual depravity rather than God’s grace.
Yet friends, deep down within us, we have this innate yearning to know differently and to proclaim that grace of God.
C. What We Can Do
You know, as a colleague of mine often says, it’s much easier to play “Patty-Cake” with Jesus than to be a real follower. Sadly, when we do so, we miss out on the Call, the Call that God promises to enable and empower us to perform.
But fellow Sunrisers, I truly believe God is ready to do something remarkable here and that you, in your hearts, are ready to respond. But we can’t just play “Patty-Cake.” We have to be open and serious about how we will reACT to God’s Spirit.
Start renewal within all church functions – acknowledging the Presence of the Spirit in the room and asking the Spirit to do as the Spirit wishes.
Who do we reACT
c. How do we recreate the actions of the early Church
d. How can we react to the Holy Spirit acting in our lives today
As Jason Vickers, a Systematic Theology professor and friend of mine says, “The Spirit is like the shy girl who quietly stands just outside the door. Invite her in – but beware – once she comes in, she’s gonna rock the house.”